maya mori

in the midst…

quick little things…


i’ve found so many amazing little items to buy for my two year old daughter for christmas, but this year i’ve made a commitment to the handmade!  i pulled out a book i purchased during the summer, little things to sew by liesl gibson.  i love her oliver + s patterns and was really excited to finally make something out of the book.  also, for free patterns & tutorials check out her blog!

i have seen the cutest animal hats on kiddos everywhere in portland.  here is my take on the cozy winter hood.  i used a brown furry remnant i picked up for $2 at fabric depot, an old sweater & some trim i have found at a garage sale.

i copied the size i wanted onto tracing paper.

it came together in a snap!  took less than 20 minutes.

frankie is very independent and pretty messy.  i had a remnant of cool woodgrain vinyl & decided to make the messy kid bib.  you can also use any fabric & iron on vinyl.  i may try that next.  i paired the woodgrain with a bright teal 1/4″ bias tape & really like the way it turned out.  (i will make my own bias tape for the next one.)

i love babylegs, but i don’t love the price tag, so i figured i would buy some cheap knee socks and make my own.  i used a pair of my own & picked up three more at target for only $5.  i cut the foot out and used that fabric for the cuff.  took less than 5 minutes per pair!

3 thoughts on “quick little things…

  1. I ‘m not sure which ones I love more, but I’m pretty sure a want a hat!

  2. so cute! where did you get those mushroom socks? i want some!

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